Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Baling 100703

A second visit to Baling. After the brief survey done, we found out this place is rather interesting in terms of birdlife. This time i brought Choo Eng  along to help me on the birds checklist.

As we thought, Bukit Palong is indeed an amazing area for birding. There were lots of birds and i bet there will be more if we arrived much earlier. Here are some which i manage to photographed,

A mystery swift, quite big and finally i assume the best candidate would be house swift though i didn't see any white on the rump...any verdict,anyone..

Black Bellied Malkoha, separated fron the green billed by not having a white bordering around the red facial skin and appear to be smaller with shorter tail.

A surprising find, Black Eagle. It suddenly glide in front of us. It was quite low but we were ocassionally blocked by trees when we want to get good photo of it. Maybe next time..

A bulbul which i thought to be grey cheeked but i'm wrong. Any verdict for this bird...

Quite a vocal bird with melodious calls..Grey Headed Canary Flycatcher,

There were two red bearded bee eater chasing each other but this is the best i could get,

Scaly Breasted Bulbul. A beautiful bird,pity angle was too acute..

Another surprising find, Sultan Tit.

A flock of 10 White Eye flying around but they hardly stay still. After reviewing this shot and comparing them to the field guide, i assume this is Everett's White Eye. It doesn't seems to have the yellow forehead to be oriental...correct me if i'm wrong.

Yellow Eared Spiderhunter...

After Bukit Palong (which is in Compartment 4), we went to other Compartments of Gunung Inas Forest Reserve to check our mist nets and harp traps. After only a single individual caught during the the first visit,this visit is quite fruitful for this flying mammal,

Hipposideros larvatus                                                 Hipposideros diadema     

Hipposideros sabanus                Kerivoula minuta            

Murina cyclotis                   Rhinolophus trifoliatus

Some of the none-flying mammals ..

Common Palm Civet

Wild Pig.

This bird was sighted feeding its young. Didin't manage to get a better shot than this as it was always hidden.
Great Iora,

We might come back for the last visit as we found a very nice river in Compartment 9. It might be suitable for some good herpetofauna. Look out for my next write up. Thanks.


Unknown said...

Mystery solved: The swift is Asian Palm-Swift and the bulbul is actually a Plain Sunbird. Thanks Dave!

Redzlan said...

Wow!... Sultan Tit... high in wanted list.

Anonymous said...

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Mike Chong H. N. Titiwangsa said...

Hi Muin, Thanks for the nice pics at Baling. Can you please give estimate of how high Bkt Palong is? The Plain Sunbird looks rather bulky but it may be due to the cold? I thought it could be Mt Bulbul depending on how high you saw the bird? and the hint of "punkish" crown/crest. But the tail is rather short for bulbul but it may be a juvenile. Black Eagle is very interesting if it was seen at quite low altitude. Again I appreciate if you could indicate altitude of Bkt Palong to get an idea of the habitat. Thanks. Mike Chong

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