i saw this cat n i know it will make my photography session today a bit difficult. It chase the bird into the forest as it tried to catch them. But after some waiting n patience game....

The bird was quite cooperative during early morning but the light was a bit poor. So this is my best shot. Hope i can come back for some improvement. Some other bird that i saw,

Asian brown flycatcher which i thought was another Taiga at first! Hehe...

Grey wagtail

Two forest wagtail. And a surprise,not a bird but a mammals.

This mongoose suddenly come out from the forest edge to forage for food at the rubbish bin. I've yet to identify it and will update here once i sort it out.
This place turn out to be a very good birding spot but during weekends there a lot of visitors around. I hope to come back soon...
Great lifer to have it tick
Thanks Terence. Very good lifer indeed!
interesting... a good start.
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