While waiting for the honeyguide, i saw this flying lizard which happens to be the rarest of them all. A Draco fimbriatus (was cristatellus, and now the original fimbriatus is called abbreviatus),

After getting a good rest in the hotel we head out for the night hunt. The first one that we saw was a bird, a Javan Frogmouth. It as spotted by Jasmine after 10 minutes of search. Thanks Jas.

After finished with the Javan frogmouth, we suddenly heard a Tockay gecko call. It was quite high and far but the call of this species is distinctive. What a good start!
While moving along the trail we tried to check for owls but none is heard neither seen.
Afterward me, Hor Kee n Evan decided to go in to the riverside while Jas n John was to tired to tag along.
Some of the herps we encountered,
Microhya berdmorei, Berdmore's narrow mouth frog.

On left is the calling male while on right is a couple on amplexus. I manage to record the call of this frog for the first time. Before this all the encounter with this species is voiceless.
A Eutropis multifasciata, Many lined Sun Skink,

Quite weird to see this fella who usually forage during daytime, at night. Its getting more and more interesting when Evan found this,

A Cyrtodactylus macrotuberculatus, bent toed gecko. This is the second record of the species which was thought to be endemic to Langkawi island, on mainland Peninsular. The first record was my encounter with it at Tupah, also in Kedah.
On our way back i saw a reticulated python underneath the concrete path but it decided to hide itself in.
After two hours of herping we decided to go back. On our way back Hor Kee saw a snake underneath a concrete bridge. He thought it was another reticulated python but it turns out to be a keeled ratsnake, Ptyas carinatus. A huge one, Evan was so excited he decide to catch it and pose it for us. What he got, he turns to be one smelly guy coz of the snake musk! Hehe...Thanks Evan.

This snake usually mistaken for a king cobra but a closer look would reveal the prominent stripes along the end part of the body. The scalation on the head is also different.
Other animals that we saw that night was a slow loris and a small toothed palm civet.
Turns out to be a very nice trip for both herps and birds. Thanks to Hor Kee and Evan for inviting me.
Wow, Look like a nice trip. I never been there yet. I would love to get the Falconet and confirm my sexes soon.
Thanks Terence. They were so far even for my bins.U must go there,nice place.
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