On friday, 24th June 2011, i sent out some notification on my facebook and through SMS to some of my friends regarding the birding and photography activity. Although i missed a lot of them but its good enough for a start. To my surprise, a few of them showed out including the unexpected attendance of my MNS friend Neoh Hor Kee. We meet up at the Durian Valley, USM. Thanks a lot friends. Here are some shots of the birds seen during the birding trip.

White Bellied Sea Eagle

A lousy shot of a flying House Crow.

Coppersmith Barbet. The only species of barbet in the campus and on Penang Island.

A House Swallow. Formerly it was known as Pacific Swallow but Robson 2008 split the species occuring in Asia as House Swallow.

Pink Necked Green Pigeon. One of the common species during the fig fruiting season.

A pair of Thick Billed Green Pigeon. As u can see this species can be differentiated easily from the former by looking at the red marking at the base of the bill.
Thanks a lot to all participant. See you guys again in the next trip.
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